Aree di Ricerca

The Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology (DiSCOG) is a centre of excellence at the forefront of biomedical research. The DiSCOG is a large multidisciplinary environment that offers basic, clinical and translational research for the benefit of patients of regional and national origin. We are committed to promoting multidisciplinary collaboration and leveraging our strengths in key strategic areas. Working closely with the National Health System, our research is rapidly transferred to promote healthcare to patients with an impact on real life. In addition, the various Departmental components work alongside world leaders in the biomedical field, so we are also sharing international health programs, ensuring our presence at the forefront of global health research. Finally, one of the goals of DiSCOG is to direct the integration of the clinical and basic research activities with the pre and post-graduate teaching activities, developing shared research lines and wide-ranging training activities, also taking into account the institutional assistance needs.